Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve; (Quran 10:62)
If Sikhs believe one does not fear of God should not exist then what is the point of discussing the history of Guru Arjan's martyrdom ? Is this just a historical event for the Sikhs to express their emotional feeling against the Muslims ? Or this an event to understand the injustice that occurs in our daily lives ? Have these Sikhs failed to realize that what the emperor Jahangir did to Guru Arjan was totally un-islamic ? Nowhere does the Quran tell us to torture an enemy to death. Also, what the emperor Jahangir did to Guru Arjan did was wrong even though Guru Arjan was a non Muslim. Jahangir failed to realize that Guru Arjan was a still a creation of God, and he not right to boil him in a pot. Since this method of torture was totally un-Islamic, Jahangir should have feared God. However, he didn't, and as a result he will to face Allah's wrath.

Above is a portrait of the Muslim Saint Miyan Mir. If Jahangir had given Guru Arjan a fair trail, Hadrat Miyan Mir would have supported the emporer. However, Guru Arjan was unjustly punished, and Miyan Mir stood by him till the end.
As for the fear of God, here are some passages from the Guru Granth Sahib which orders Gursikhs to fear god.
nwnk nwim ivswirAY dir gieAw ikAw hoie ]4]8] (17-9, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
naanak naam visaari-ai dar ga-i-aa ki-aa ho-ay. ||4||8||
O Nanak, those who forget the Naam-what will happen when they go to the Court of the Lord? ||4||8||
BY ibnu inrBau ikau QIAY gurmuiK sbid smwie ]1] rhwau ] (18-6, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
bhai bin nirbha-o ki-o thee-ai gurmukh sabad samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Fear of God, how can anyone become fearless? Become Gurmukh, and immerse yourself in the Shabad. ||1||Pause||
mrxw mulw mrxw ] (24-8, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
marnaa mulaa marnaa.
Death, O Mullah-death will come,
BI krqwrhu frxw ]1] rhwau ] (24-9, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
bhee kartaarahu darnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
so live in the Fear of God the Creator. ||1||Pause||
Kojq Kojq pwieAw fru kir imlY imlwie ] (57-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
khojat khojat paa-i-aa dar kar milai milaa-ay.
I searched and searched, and found God. In the Fear of God, I have been united in His Union.
iqQY loA loA Awkwr ] (8-6, jpu, mÚ 1)
tithai lo-a lo-a aakaar.
There are worlds upon worlds of His Creation.
ijv ijv hukmu iqvY iqv kwr ] (8-7, jpu, mÚ 1)
jiv jiv hukam tivai tiv kaar.
As He commands, so they exist.
vyKY ivgsY kir vIcwru ] (8-7, jpu, mÚ 1)
vaykhai vigsai kar veechaar.
He watches over all, and contemplating the creation, He rejoices.
Also here is clip where a Qadri Sufi Shaykh explain who should fear Allah. If the viewers understand urdu, I strongly advise them watch the clip.
Iam a Sikh and i totally agree with the author of this particular blog in regards to Sikhs denying the fear of god when in-fact this really is a principle belief that many Sikhs hold.
ReplyDeleteI find that its mainly these western hippy wishy washy types that propagate this perspective. The fear of god is needed at the beginning, then it will transmute to love, the more one submits. You see god has no enmity, hate after all it is his creation, how can he hate it, hes beyond emotions, however the divine law is such that it applies to all except him, so people will get punished and conversely rewarded for their actions.
The law is to be feared and respected, because it is supreme, powerful and most of all just,it goes without saying naturally that also applies to the creator. When you learn to love the creator, and live by his will, in the path that is set out for you be it Islam or Sikhi etc etc. that is when one becomes truly fearless.
Love conquers fear ultimately however to truly love, one must fear and fear only that which is the creator. You cannot claim to be a believer and not fear god or his law, its like a child who dont fear his father and does what they want not at all pleasing is it? Where'as a child that has the fear of being disciplined and rewarded justly will learn respect and learn to love. The child with no disciple has no concept of sharing, respect, boundaries, gratefulness because they in most cases are unable to be taught because they believe they are the boss(ego).
I hope i have shed some light on this issue as it is very misunderstood among'st Sikhs even though it says many times within our scriptures.
God bless all who fear god, spread love and live in love. Because ultimately religion is the game of love.