Mohammed Yayha was former Sikh who convered into Islam a few years ago. He decided one day to study on Islam, in detail and wondered why it is such a hated religion. So, the first thing he did is take the main source of Islam which is the Quran. After reading the Quran he finally said took Shahad. Here is his article below
First of all I want to comment on why there is so much hatred between Hindus/Sikhs and Muslims.

The main reason stems from when the Mughals killed and tortured many innocent sikhs and hindus, many young sikhs in particular are reminded again and again on how the 'muslims' used to force sikhs to convert, how they cut the hair of a sardar, how they killed babies and tore of the limbs and made necklaces out of them.

At the Gurudwara they are reminded of when Guru Arjun Dev was burnt on the hot plate. These all may be true and no doubt they unfortuneatly happened to your ancestors and also mine. But one point must emphasised, that all this was waged in the name of the Mughal Empire, and not Islam. Because of this many muslims hate what they done, the Mughals will be accountable on the Day of Judgemnent for what they done, and what they done never complies with any teachings of Islam and of the teachings that every faithful muslim holds dear to their heart.

I would like to emphasise that there is no such thing as 'forced conversion' to Islam and I'll explain why. In order for one to embrace Islam one must say the statement of faith (Shahadha) 'La ilaha il Allah, Muhammuedur RasulAllah' meaning, there is no god but one Allah, and that Muhammed (peace be upon him) is the last messenger Of Allah. When a non-muslim says this with at least two muslim witnesses present they enter the fold of Islam. However there is a condition on this, that when this is said the person must say it with full conviction truly believing in it, if not then this will be invalid. Therefore if someone is being forced to convert and by force says the shahadha then this would be invalid and the person is not considered a muslim.
In the Qu'ran it says,
'Let there be no compulsion in religion', meaning that you can't be forced in religion. Therefore anyone who tries to force someone to convert is no true muslim as he is directly going against the teachings of Islam and more so the direct commands of God.

I know you hear a lot on the media about Islam especially at this time on the media, about terrorism etc. but one of the miracles of Allah is that the Holy Qu'ran is there for the world to see, no page left unturned, no word changed..and in the Qu'ran Allah tells us,
'If a man takes an innocent mans life, then in my eyes it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind. But if a man saves another mans life, then in my eyes it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind.

Islam and Sikhism should not be at war together, Islam is more similar to Sikhism than any other religion in the world. They both believe in monetheism, the oneness of Allah (ek on akaar), being tolerant to all faiths is a very integral part of both faiths. Even Christianity don't believe that there is 1 supreme God above everything, they believe in 3 Gods, and hindu's believe in a recorded over 30million Gods. Sadly todays Sikhs don't realise about their own religion, they criticise me because I have embraced Islam but yet know so little about their own religion, I very often hear some Sikh say that they thought that in Sikhism there are 10 Gods, they don't realise that there were 10 Guru's and Guru Nanak who was a muslim who preached the oneness of Allah (ek on akaar), he performed Hajj and Umrah and many ocassions, his clothes are still to be found on display in a museum in Pakistan. But what happened after Guru Nanak died was that in punjab as there were many hindus at the time and a lot of hindu influence, that Sikhs adopted re-incarnation as their after life and neglected the Islamic teachings of a Day of Judgement whereby you shall either go to Hell or Paradise depending on the deeds you done in your life, and whichever place you go then this is for eternity.
You see one of the significant differences between Sikhism and Hinduism apart from monotheism is the fact that Hindu's worship idols and this is very big sin in Sikhism and also Islam.
I know as Sikhs many of you will be thinking how could he embrace islam just as my friends thought. I was a typical jatt sikh boy who used to session all the time and get into fights, but I realised that theres more to life than just this,and asked myself, 'surely God has got a greater purpose for us than just putting us into an animal?'
Do you not know that Islamic shariah law is the only law in the world whereby a non-muslim can live with his wealth and family protected? You say you want democracy? so you still want all the perverts to roam the streets, look at how much crime there is in this country, this country cannot sell a thing without a woman with a sexual nuendo with it! and to call us barbaric and oppresses of women, I'm sorry but you don't have the right, muslim women are meant to wear a hijab (body cover), not to oppress but to maintain the dignity and self-respect of a woman.....under shariah law if you steal your hand is chopped off, in Saudi Arabia people don't even lock their shops up because they know no one will steal anything.....let me ask you, is it not better to have a nation with a handfull of criminals with their hands missing, than a nation of in this country when you go into prison the criminals don't repent or show remorse, rather they talk about how much next time they wont get caught and how they will do the crime better.

I am not saying to embrace Islam, but what I am saying is to learn about your own religion more and as a result you will learn more about yourself and this will only bring peace. Then on your own ask God to guide you to the truth...'No one can guide whom Allah has set astray, and no one can set astray whom Allah has guided.'
Peace, Yahya
This is very inciteful and it is a good message for peace and humanity. Tyrant and foreceful empires that used the Islamic name should not be considered as being true followers of Islam. Good on you Yahya. Afzal